Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I am eligible for in-home support?
If you are over 65 or over 50 ATSI and need some support to stay living at home (you may or may not have a carer), you may be eligible for Federal government subsidised in-home aged care support through MY AGED CARE (MAC).
MAC may recommend you for an in-home assessment. The first step is to call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit and from there, you can request MCCS to deliver the support you need.
The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) through MAC is not means tested provides low levels (approximately 2 hours/week) of support.
A Home Care Package through MAC is means tested and you will be required to make a contribution to the package. Centrelink determines this contribution.
What’s the difference between Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and a Home Care Package (HCP)?
CHSP: This program is considered ‘entry or basic level’ meaning it provides a low level support – it is usually around 2 hours per week and there’s a list of services available (e.g. household help, transport, meal preparation etc).
You’ll have access to those specific services only. It is ideal if you need a little help to do things like heavier household tasks, or perhaps you can no longer drive – either at all or for a short time. It is often used by people returning home from hospital for a short time, but you can also use it as ongoing support.
You pay a subsidised rate from your own pocket – it is subsidised around 75% – for the services you use. You can expect to pay around $12 – 14/hour for most of the services available through the program (the rest is paid by the subsidy).
The CHSP is not means tested. You will need a referral from My Aged Care to access subsidised in-home support. Please call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422
Home Care Packages:
Packages are designed in levels – from 1 (basic) to 4 (higher needs) and each package has a set amount of funding (called a budget) that you can use for whatever services you require – so long as they are within government guidelines and in line with your Care Plan.
Once you have been assigned a package, it is yours until you no longer require it. Should you need more support over time, you may be able to increase the level of package you use e.g. Level 2 to Level 3.
It is much more flexible than CHSP as you can choose what services to spend the budget on – based on your unique situation. Our experienced Case Managers can guide you through a Care Plan and budget. Each month you will receive a statement so you’ll know exactly how much money is available in your budget.
Home Care Packages are means tested and you may be asked to make a contribution to your package. This is determined by Centrelink, not by MCCS.
For government subsidised in-home aged care, please call the MY AGED CARE (MAC) on 1800 200 422 (over 65 or over 50 ATSI) for a confidential telephone assessment. You will need to register with MAC to be eligible for subsidised in-home aged care, including Home Care Packages. You can also find out more here
Who can refer?
With your permission, a friend, family member or your GP can refer you. You can also refer yourself. Please call the MY AGED CARE on 1800 200 422 (over 65 or over 50 ATSI).
If you want to take advantage of our fee for service options, the same applies; you can refer yourself or with your permission, a friend, family member or your GP can refer you directly to Maitland Community Care Services by phoning us on 4932 5755, Monday – Friday 7.30am – 5.00pm
Will I have a regular worker?
Small teams are assigned to you to provide your service. This is to ensure, where practical, that the same people provide assistance. You’ll meet the members of your team and they will always have up-to-date information about your circumstances, so you receive seamless support.
At times, due to illness or leave, your regular worker may be unavailable. When this occurs we offer you an alternative worker. In some instances, you may prefer to wait until the worker returns – it’s up to you.
Will the service be at a regular time?
We operate with morning and afternoon shifts for domestic assistance such as help around the home, or transport for grocery shopping. On the day we can provide a more specific time to reduce the need for waiting around.
If you have a medical or other appointment, a specific time will be arranged to suit your needs.
What happens to my service if I’m away for a period of time?
Please let us know if you are going away. You can phone or notify us in writing or email and we’ll put the service on hold for an agreed length of time.
It’s important to tell us so we keep the service on hold for your return. If you do not advise us, this may impact on you receiving future services or you may incur a cancellation fee.
Please note 24 hours’ notice is required to change or cancel regular services. This enables us to reschedule your worker’s duties and help other clients. You may be charged a cancellation fee if we are not advised, other than in an emergency situation such as unexpected hospitalisation.
How much does in-home support cost?
In-home aged care services are subsidised by the Federal Government and request a fee or contribution, depending on the program.
Please note that no one is refused service due to an inability to pay. Both programs – Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and Home Care Packages are subsidised.
Our schedule of fees for HOME CARE PACKAGES is available here – the fees are taken from the budget (budget depends on your level). Our HCP schedule of fees is here: 2020 HCP Pricing_MCCS
For the CHSP program, services average at around $50/hour and the subsidy is around $38 – this means you pay approximately $12/hour – please note this is approximate and your fee will be confirmed in your service agreement.
If you choose to access our fee for service options, please call customer service on 4932 5755, Monday – Friday 7.30am – 5.00pm
How often can I access in-home support?
Every person’s situation is different, and an assessment will determine your support needs. The MAC will determine with you the best option e.g. low level via the CHSP program or if you need higher levels of support, via a Home Care Package (HCP).
If you are assigned a HCP, we’ll discuss your needs and goals and together develop a support plan. The plan can be reviewed and adjusted to suit changes in your situation.
You can also choose to ‘top up’ the services you receive by accessing our fee for service options. Our customer service team can provide a schedule of fees. Please phone us on 4932 5755, Monday – Friday 7.30am – 5.00pm for more information.
What if I need more help?
If your situation changes and you find you need more help, please give us a call. We can help with a referral back to My Aged Care to request the additional support you need. This could be for a short period of time, or ongoing.
Home Care Packages are available in levels, from 1 – 4, with 1 being the lowest. As your needs change, you may be able to move to a higher level and receive more services, more frequently. We can help you manage this process. Please give your Case Manager a call to discuss.
How do I pay?
There are several options including paying by credit card/debit card over the phone (please call on 4932 5755), Direct Debit deductions, internet banking (we will provide our details to you), or in person at our Telarah office, or send a cheque in the mail.
We can send you an invoice (email or regular mail) if you prefer and we accept most credit cards either over the phone or in person at our office in Telarah.
Will I be able to have services after hours or on weekends?
Depending on your circumstances, assessment and the type of service or support you need, we offer after hours and weekend services. Your Case Manager will discuss the best option for you to keep you safe and well at home.
Please call customer service on 4932 5755, Monday – Friday 7.30am – 5.00pm to discuss your specific needs.
Will I be stuck in some kind of contract?
There is no contract for people using the Commonwealth Home Support Program – if you no longer need the support, please let us know so we can help others.
If you have a Home Care Package, a flexible support plan will be developed with you and can be changed at any time. This gives MCCS permission to provide home care services to you and gives you the security to know what we will do and when we will do it. There is no exit fee if you want to move your HCP to another provider, however we require 30 days notice in writing. Please note we do not charge review fees during the life of your Home Care Package.
There is no contact for Meals on Wheels and you find out more here nor to use Community Transport – you can use these services as often or as little as you like.
Please note if you don’t cancel a scheduled service and a worker arrives to find you not home, or you are unwilling to proceed, a fee will be charged, other than in the case of an emergency (e.g. hospital admission).
If I need a one-off transport service, do I need a referral from MAC?
No. If you need a one-off transport, we are able to provide the service without a referral. We will do a short assessment over the phone. No referral means we can respond quickly to your needs and get you where you need to go.
Where can you take me? We provide transport to all areas within Maitland LGA as well as to the major hospitals in Newcastle and surrounding areas.
We may also be able to provide transport to other areas on request – please phone the office on 49325755 to enquire.
How much does transport cost? Transport costs are kilometre based, with a minimum fee of $13 return trip or $9 one way. We can give you an approximate quote for your specific trip when you make your booking.
How often do you deliver Meals on Wheels (and what day/s)?
Most deliveries are weekly with our friendly team delivering on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, depending on the area you live. Take a look at the menu here
I already get one type of service with MCCS, why can’t I get all of my services with you?
The Federal Government funds providers like us all around the country to deliver in-home aged care support. Providers are not always funded for every type of service, which means they may not be able to deliver everything you need. Sometimes the funding may not be sufficient to service everyone and the provider must ‘close’ the service until a vacancy becomes available.
MCCS is funded for a large range of services and demand and availability changes regularly. Please give us a call on 4932 5755 and we’ll discuss the best options for your situation.
How many days notice do I need give to book or cancel a service? We understand that things change and you may need to cancel or change a service. We ask you to give as much notice as possible (24 hours preferably) so we can offer the service to another client. You can leave a message after hours on 4932 5755 or email us at